Sunday, July 20, 2014


Back in 2012 the VP candidate for the libertarian party was Wayne Allyn Root. Granted he has a poli sci degree from Columbia but his claim to fame is as a sports handicapper. That's right. They ran a guy who pushes gambling as a business. Only in America.

Oh, and he graduated from Columbia the same year as the president. He doesn't remember seeing him on campus. Seriously? How many of you who went to college remember anybody except the people in your dorm and would you recognize them today? Even those who shared a major with you? I know I wouldn't. But of course with a little spin you can make anything out of it.

Mr. Root also claims that there were at least a million fraudulent ballots cast in the last election. Even though nobody in any state has been able to find more than a handfull of fraudulent ballots. I am getting so fucking sick of this crap. Truth? What the hell is that? Has about as much chance of surviving as a snowball on a sidewalk in July.

Oh and I ran across this because an in law posted a link on FB to an outfit called the Conservative Tribune. And Politifact rates the claim as false.

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