Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Creator of all life

You bless the earth, the earth that gifts us with the food, shelter, clothing and tools that we need to live our lives.

Thank you for these gifts and forgive us when we misuse them.

Creator of all life,

You bring water from the sky and from deep in the Earth. Water falling, streaming, bubbling, dancing. It is our life and our joy.

Thank you for this gift and forgive us when we use it as if it were endless and with little care for the damage we do to ourselves and to all those others who must share those waters with us but have no control over what we do.

Creator of all life,

You give days when the air is crisp and sweet scented, and days when it is heavy with dew and the scent of fallen leaves.

Thank you for these gifts and forgive us when we forget that others must share that air too. Even when it’s loaded with the poisons of our carelessness.

Creator of all life,

You nurture us in the long bright days of summer and in the rich darkness of night and winter, you teach us the mysteries of the moon and stars.

Thank you for these gifts and forgive us when we fail to raise our eyes to appreciate the jewels planted in the darkness, the mountains of clouds lit by the sun, the flight of birds across blue black of the sky at dusk or dawn.

Inspired by a prayer in  Yearning for the Wind by Tom Cowan.

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