Wednesday, May 20, 2020


This is a pine siskin. They belong to the finch family and you can find them almost anywhere in Oregon. I wish I had a video from this morning. It's windy. It's raining off and on. There are two of three little siskins that must have hatched this spring. They found the window feeder and are just loving it. And Midge is just loving the kitty TV. Thing is these little guys haven't exactly learned to be scared yet. They don't take off unless something gets really close and sudden.

And it sure beats trying to ride the branches on that tree in the courtyard. The biggest difference between Springfield and this part of the country is the wind. When it gets to blowing it blows.

Anyway Midge has been able to get right up close. Even pat at the window And not get noticed. Birdwatcher heaven.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Not the best shot. Two mourning doves through the screen with a phone for a camera. Doing an after snack feather fluff. I think Midge still doesn't quite believe birds come this big.

They sing in the mornings and evenings.There's another calling just before dark that sounds almost like a pheasant. But I don't think we have pheasants in the court yard.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Been out of commission for awhile.Inherited a bird feeder you can install on a window. This is a shot of one of the visitors.

A type of house finch. Midge is totally fascinated. She's never had a chance to get that close to birds. When she first spotted the feeder, well I'd never seen a cat's neck stretch out so far. She'll firgure it out. That she can sit in the window and watch the birds right up close. And the birds will realize that the cat can't get through the window. LOL.

\And now I know who has been singing so beautifully.