Monday, April 15, 2019


Nestle is a Swiss based corporation and we have all heard how great the Swiss are. You know more moral than the rest of us. Just lucky enough to be located in hard to get through mountain passes. 

Back to Nestle of the buy cheap sell dear bottled water. Nestle of the former CEO that stated that human beings have no right to clean water. 

Nestle of the chocolate. Nestle of the spokesman who is probably wishing this hadn't been said.  Go back to the first decades of the nineteenth century. "If we stop using slaves your tobacco and cotton will be more expensive." The more things change the more they stay the same.

Monday, April 8, 2019


I don't remember ever feeling this way before. Cold, No not cold. As if there was a wall in front of my emotions and if that wall fell the rage would consume me. I was raised to believe in the best this country could be, not the worst.

When Martin Luther found that he could not convert the Jews of Germany he unleashed a stream of hate and invective that has surfaced off and on through the centuries. And, deliberately or not, some of that prejudice migrated to this country with the migration of Germans to the colonies and the young United States. At one point Germans made up the largest ethnic group in the country after the British. The English can be anti Semitic too. They are just more polite about it.

The current occupant's grandfather was born in Bavaria, and kicked out of Bavaria for avoiding his mandatory military service. Reports from the post war military government reported a resurgence of underground nazi activity in the province after the war. I suspect that he learned a good deal of his racism within the family

I do not feel like trying to "understand" him or his die hard followers. I do not feel like trying to "understand" the lick spittle collaborators in the senate or the house. Hitler had his Streichers and Von Ribbentrops. Trump has too many equivalents to list.

Those who do not support the dictator in waiting need to focus on this. Stop laughing at his antics. They are not funny. And frankly make him a bit of a martyr to his followers. They deserve our contempt. Nothing more and nothing less. And the opposition needs to get united on a platform that will guarantee his defeat. Final and permanent and so crushing that it can't be weaseled out of.

I hope to God I  never have a reason for that cold, hard reaction again. But, if we throw what may be our last chance to stop the slow erosion of everything that is the best in this nation that contempt can and will find new targets.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


In the eighties two of the last great miniseries were produced based on the the novels The Winds of War and War and Remembrance based on the novels of the same name by Herman Wouk. Not great. Not bad. The DVD version of War and Remembrance are priced in the three figures used. You can catch it on YouTube if you use the right search terms. I dipped into the last two episodes this afternoon. Heavy on the Holocaust.

Like so many other of us I get a kick out of watching the current occupant as the target of sarcasm and humor. This man is as funny as the plague. The cancer that is Trump is spreading world wide. The laughter is over. There is nothing left but contempt. Cold relentless contempt. For him, his enablers and those who still support him even as he kicks them in the teeth. And I will feel the same contempt as I watch the Democrats begin to rip each other apart before the campaign season begins.

Monday, April 1, 2019


Quote from the Algebra of Infinite Justice by Arundhati Roy.

"The only dream worth having ... is the dream that you will live while you are alive and only die when you are dead."

"Which means exactly what?"

"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never forget the unspeakable violence and vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or the complicate what is simple. To respect strength but never power. Above all to watch. To try to understand. To never look away. And to never, never forget."