Thursday, September 5, 2019


At one time Mitch McCellan reminded me of a Victorian dowager who had just sucked  a lemon. A very big, very sour lemon. Lately reminds me of a turtle. A big old basking turtle trying to pretend he is a snappin turtle. Whatever. He has also acquired a couple of nicknames. Moscow Mitch because he has apparently accepted contributions from a Russian oligarch. At least one. Andhe  totally refuses to release the full Mueller Report. Heck, we paid for the damn thing we ought to have the right to read it. He also refuses do consider any actions to make our elections more secure from foreign interference. And has allowed the federal elections commision to basically go out of business becuase it does not have enough members to function.

Mitch doesn't like that nickname and wants us to stop. It isn't fair.  Maybe he would prefer Massacre Mitch. Picked that one up because he refuses any action on gun control. Nothing at all.

He has this power because he is the the Senate majority leader. This position was created in the 1920's. It is not in the constitution like the position of Speaker of the House. Near as I can tell the positions of majority/minority leaders were created as houseeping positions as more states were added and the senate became larger. And nowhere in the constitution is the power for him to block bills from being considered. This power may have been created over time to cater to the prejudices of individual members but it is not in the constitution.

Vote this turtle out. Send him back to Kentucky with his ill gotten gains and our disgust. Abolish the majority/minority leader positions, and require that all bills passed by one house be at least considered by the other house. If the bill is tabled requite a vote to do so. Don''t allow one or two members of congress to just block a bill the other house passed.

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