Monday, August 9, 2010


" 'We wanted them to ask the questions we wanted to answer, so that they would report the news the way we want it to be reported.' Sharon Angle, Nevada Republican senate hopeful who has avoided reporters, discussing media strategy with Fox News." As reported on the Perspectives page of this weeks Newsweek magazine.

Last I heard the candidate, running against Harry Reid, has managed to blow an eleven point lead since the primary. God(dess) keep up the good work. That attitude alone is enough to disqualify her for any elected office down to and including dog catcher.


marigolds2 said...

Wow. What a great quote. This woman is unbelievable. She's the "Take a chicken to the doctor" candidate, isn't she? We knew right then and there, didn't we?

JACKIE said...

Yep. :-)

Kathy said...

Exactly. I think perhaps honestly is a good policy, but like medicine, sometimes needs to be doled out carefully.