Sunday, August 8, 2010


I suddenly remembered the macro feature on the digital camera. So naturally I had to go out and .........

The stargazer lilies are in full bloom.

And the pink rose by the driveway. The buffet loving deer haven't gotten these yet. Actually it was more of a problem in the early spring than it is now.

The black eyed susans are up. The true definition of "yellow."

A blossom from the little rose that could. This bush was three little leaf stems at ground level and a really good root ball this spring. It was in a pot on the porch and got its feet too wet. It's very happy sharing the flower bed with some geraniums.

1 comment:

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What lovely pictures!!! Star-gazer Lilies and Black-eyed Susans are among my favorites!