Monday, April 8, 2019


I don't remember ever feeling this way before. Cold, No not cold. As if there was a wall in front of my emotions and if that wall fell the rage would consume me. I was raised to believe in the best this country could be, not the worst.

When Martin Luther found that he could not convert the Jews of Germany he unleashed a stream of hate and invective that has surfaced off and on through the centuries. And, deliberately or not, some of that prejudice migrated to this country with the migration of Germans to the colonies and the young United States. At one point Germans made up the largest ethnic group in the country after the British. The English can be anti Semitic too. They are just more polite about it.

The current occupant's grandfather was born in Bavaria, and kicked out of Bavaria for avoiding his mandatory military service. Reports from the post war military government reported a resurgence of underground nazi activity in the province after the war. I suspect that he learned a good deal of his racism within the family

I do not feel like trying to "understand" him or his die hard followers. I do not feel like trying to "understand" the lick spittle collaborators in the senate or the house. Hitler had his Streichers and Von Ribbentrops. Trump has too many equivalents to list.

Those who do not support the dictator in waiting need to focus on this. Stop laughing at his antics. They are not funny. And frankly make him a bit of a martyr to his followers. They deserve our contempt. Nothing more and nothing less. And the opposition needs to get united on a platform that will guarantee his defeat. Final and permanent and so crushing that it can't be weaseled out of.

I hope to God I  never have a reason for that cold, hard reaction again. But, if we throw what may be our last chance to stop the slow erosion of everything that is the best in this nation that contempt can and will find new targets.

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