Wednesday, June 26, 2019


I haven't been around for awhile. Frankly typing isn't as easy as it used to be. The political scene is crazy. It seems like everybody and his or her mother wants to be the democratic presidential candidate. The current occupants delusions aside, Mitch McConnell has been busy proving that the true power resides in the senate. He's proved it by blocking every attempt to block the escapades of tRump.

The senate is where the battle for survival of the country my family as almost four centuries invested in. The country I love in spite of the many flaws that are finally coming to the surface. Some asshole on Fox claimed that the treatment of migrant children detained in what amounts to concentration camps isn't a problem because they don't come from Idaho or Texas. They aren't our kids.

When the crammed to the walls of cattle cars trains pulled into the death camps women with small children automatically were "sent to the gas." If the guards were allowing any thoughts to go through their minds I suppose "they aren't our kids." might have flickered through as the prisoners were crammed into the death chambers. Sometimes, in desperation, a mother would hide her child in the piles of clothing left behind. Of course the child would be found. Found and included in the next set of prisoners in the dance of death.

Well. That entry didn't go as planned.

Anyway. I rediscovered my astronomy program. My favorite internet library has 365 Starry Nights. It will due until I can replace my lost copy. I believe I'll follow the stars for awhile and see where it leads me. I know there are some great pictures out there.

1 comment:

Lisa :-] said...

Our country is in SO much trouble. Unfortunately, it will take years of many elections bending toward positive change to turn it around, and I’m not sure we-or the world as a whole-have that much time.