Wednesday, May 15, 2019


This started out as a comment on another thread where Rumsfeld was quoted when he claimed that the war in Iraq would "last five months."We're still there. 
I seem to remember that Iraqi oil was going to pay for that war. Anyway the wheels started turning. If the Russians are anything, they are patient. They've had to be to survive. While Moscow thinks in terms of years or decades we can't seem to get past the next election cycle. 
Iran is three times the size of Iraq. Shares a border with Pakistan. American troops in Afghanistan and Iran. Wonder how Islamabad will feel about that. Iran controls access to the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Hormuz. Could potentially tie up access to Suez and the oil terminals on the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. Put Saudi Arabia and Israel to one side for a moment.

What does Russia stand to gain? A weakened Iran and friendly treaties with Georgia, Turkey and Armenia could give Russia what she has dreamed of for centuries. Access to warm water ports. I had a college classmate with a husband who spent his navy hitch in the NSA and majored in poli sci. 
Who the heck is funding the ultra right wing in this country? Takes money to elect idiots guaranteed to keep us trying to keep track of the little pea while the hall is on fire and the roof caves in. Are we talking dollars? Or rubles? We already know McConnell has taken money with ties to Russia. I'm sure he isn't the only one on the list. I'd like to see the tax returns of every member of congress. WAR
Granted billionaires like the Koch brothers have the bucks, at least on paper.I wonder how much liquid capital they actually control. The heck with Trump, I want their tax returns. And Bolton. And Graham. Plenty of money is being funneled to keep the pot boiling. Where is it coming from?

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