Thursday, August 6, 2020


There's a loop drive that starts in Springfield. Head east on 126 towards Sisters and Bend. 126 is a state road, well maintained but a little on the narrow side. There's the Mckenzie River on one side and mountains on the other. It's about and hour drive to Koosah Falls.

About a half mile or so further east you come to Sahalie Falls.

Both shots from the net by the way. One of the sources for the McKenzie River is Clear Lake. About Three Thousand years ago two separate lava flows temporarily blocked the lake. When the lake started flowing again the results were two small, but beautiful waterfalls. There is a faily easy walking trail between the two. Fairly easy if you can walk fairly well. Not exactly walker friendly but really, really beautiful. 

Trees, moss covered rocks, the smell of the bark on the trail, the sound of the falls. You just might think you made it to heaven or at least Sahalie Falls. In the Chinook trade jargon the word for heaven is Sahalie. 

Access to both falls is just off the highway, but bring your own water and rest room facilities are at Sahalie and it's basically a very high class outhouse. It's a beutiful drive and a wonderfull hike.

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