Friday, August 7, 2020


This little guy is too big for a chickadee. Beak seems too small for a grosbeak. Black chin, brown cap on the head. Net has a list for all the birds around Eugene, but just a list no internet connections. Anybody know what this little guy is?


Lisa :-] said...

It's an English Sparrow. Non-native, brought over from Europe by some well-meaning dope back in the 19th century. Most American birders have an irrational, rabid hatred for these poor little guys (along with starlings, which are also non-native...) These little guys have spread all over the country and are pretty much everywhere; die-hard birders insist they are a danger to native species, and often will trap and kill them! My feeling is, you don't fix a human-caused "mistake" by visiting violence on a species that has done nothing except thrive where WE planted it, so just leave them alone. I have a little flock of these guys in my back yard, and they are endlessly entertaining. And they don't seem to do any harm to the rest of the birds in the yard.

JACKIE said...

Thank you. There's a pair hanging around I see at the feeder once in awhile. I got a kick out of watching a young finch fluffing its feathers at the sparrow. The sparrow was just sitting there. Very calm. A few finches and siskins at the feeder Midge is quite happey. Takes some of the young ones awhile to notice the furball on the otherside of the window. LOL.