Sunday, April 17, 2022



Daffodils and Easter eggs and no snow. It rained/snowed yesterday but it didn't stick around. 

Haven't thought about this in years. Our Easter eggs weren't fancy. There were little kits with color tablets and little wax crayon you could use to draw on the egg. 

We usually ended up using food coloring. The box came with directions. So many drops of red, so many drops of blue. We'd make our own green, our own purple. Sometimes I think more color got on my little sisters than got on the eggs. That was part of the fun. Easter baskets were do it yourself and ran to jelly beans and those foil covered Hershey chocolate eggs along with a chocolate Easter bunny for my sisters. And maybe some of those gold foil covered chocolate coins. Easter, Halloween and Christmas those were the candy times pretty much. 

We never made it to church that Sunday. The Methodist church in Oakridge was so "Protestant" that in my memory we didn't do Advent and we didn't do Lent. I was in college reading Rumer Goden's In This House of Brede before I even heard of liturgy. The liturgy: the great yearly retelling of atory from the Nativity to Easter. 

Nope, Easter was one of the times everyone got together at grandma and grandpa's. Everyone who lived within driving distance of Eugene anyway. One Sunday grandpa was bound and determined to use that electric knife to carve that ham. I seem to remember that mom handed him the carving knife with a "the food is still hot, let's go." He went. 

Funny I haven't remembered that in years. Also that we got together for family because, to be honest, grandma wasn't that great a cook. Perhaps it wasn't that she was a bad cook; she just had trouble getting everything done at the same time. I don't know how mom turned out cooking the way she did unless it was a born in the bone talent. 

Well, this entry certainly went in another direction. 

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