Friday, April 27, 2018


This is a simple version of the peace symbol.

And this a version of the wheel of the year.

Look at the first image carefully. Turn it upside down. Then turn it on it's side. First to the left and then to the right. One becomes the other and the peace sign becomes the wheel of the year, the endless cycle of sewing, growing, harvesting. And finally the waiting for the cycle to begin again.

Life leads to death and death to a new beginning.

And then there is death that leads to destruction. From Proverbs 6:16-19

"There are six things that God/dess hates, seven that s(he) abhors: a haughty look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that weaves wicked plots, feet that hurry to do evil, a false witness who lies with every breath, and one who sows dissension among brothers (and sisters)." With some slight variations of my own. LOL

And I leave these verses might apply to your imagination. There are two paths. Life and death. Time to choose. And it won't be easy.

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