Monday, December 10, 2018


Sorry I've been out for awhile. Trying to find my voice. And this is what I'm starting to find. Look out amateur philosopher at work. Things may be a little disjointed while I get semi grounded again.

I was rereading Morgan Llewyllen's novel Druids when an idea started to slip into my consciousness. The idea of the Source as the foundation of All. It hit me. One Source. One God. The beginning of all. Life, love, music, poetry, law, healing. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. In the beginning was the Singer, the Singer sang and it all began.

What does it matter. There is one belief in common. As long as the Speaker speaks, the Singer sings, Creation continues. Silence the Speaker, Silence the Singer and Creation ends.

But happens when our machines, our guns, our shouting, our greed, drown out the Speaker. Drown out the Singer. Reduce the voices in the Song of Creation? The song continues but with fewer and fewer voices.What will be left when the only voice heard is our hate?

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