Thursday, December 21, 2006


Another journal posted the lyrics to this song too. It's the wonderful "Ring Out Solstice Bells" by the group Jethro Tull in their album Songs of the Wood . It came out back in the seventies. And I'm looking for the cd to replace my old vinyl.

Ring Out, Solstice Bells

Now is the solstice of the year,
  winter is the glad song that you hear.
Seven maids move in seven time.
Have the lads up ready in a line.

Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.

Join together beneath the mistletoe.
  by the holy oak whereon it grows.
Seven druids dance in seven time.
Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.

Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.

Praise be to the distant sister sun,
  joyful as the silver planets run.
Seven maids move in seven time.
Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.
Ring out those bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.
Ring on, ring out.
Ring on, ring out.

So ring out those bells, the sun will be coming back. We should have some crocuses by the end of January. The elder is budding, and the winter heather is blooming. The fields around town have greened up and are so bright when get that rare sunny day. Go ring a bell. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only those self-righteous folk realized how many "Christmas" traditions are older than they think and belong to people of more ancient beliefs.
