Sunday, November 4, 2007


I wish I’d had my camera in the back bedroom this morning. I looked out the window while I was getting dressed and there was a two spike buck up on the garden behind the retaining wall. He checked out the plants on the level and then made his careful way up the hill, disappearing into the shrubs and low trees. A little later, as I was making my Sunday gas run I saw him ambling south down the sidewalk and he disappeared around the bend in the street. It was like, wow. Obviously he wasn’t afraid of anything. It would be no trouble for him to make his way to the greenway along the river, follow the bike path and disappear into east end of the park that starts about a half mile away.


It’s been quiet and foggy all day. The high, cruddy fog that we get this time of year when it doesn’t rain. It was beautiful yesterday. Bright and sunny, great for playing football or watching the birds and squirrels raid the front yard feeders. Watched one messy squirrel on the feeder dropping the excess on the head of another on the ground below. Both with busy little paws picking out the good bits.


 Didn’t see many today. I think everybody was laying kind of low. Foggy, chilly and gray. Ah, November in the southern Willamette Valley. The fogs are worst this time of year. The air is colder and the land is still warm from the summer sun. Makes for some interesting commutes in the morning this time of year.


Mom got back from California Tuesday. Of course I was happy to have her back. And the cats were absolutely overjoyed. A lap during the day, Happy, happy, joy, joy. At least when they weren’t pouting because she was gone. And I found out just about how long she can be gone before they start channeling their inner three year old and start acting like three spoiled brats. Just about one week, two days and some odd hours.


Monday night Misty didn’t want to go out for dinner and bed, Bandit was waiting to be petted every time I got up during the night and Lucky was in fullpout mode. Interesting how a critter that can’t stick out a lower lip can still pout so well. J And Tuesday morning after I had let them in and was getting ready to go out the door for work they all were giving me the “poor me” look. “How can you abandon us like this? We’re all alone!!!!!!” Oy! Of course I do have a very active imagination.






Anonymous said...

When Lumpy and I are gone overnight for whatever reason, Cricket punishes us by hiding for the first twelve hours after we get home.  It's amazing to think that our animals' lives revolve around us so much!


Anonymous said...

Bunny has been punishing my husband for spending too much time away this year...and the man has been home for a couple months now! That's one pissed off kitty.
Time to keep the camera on your windowsill! --Cin

Anonymous said...

Your not imagining it at all. Cats do Pout. I have 4 very spoiled ones running around her. I always know when Doc is home from teaching. It's like a signal, all the cats run up to the door and wait for him to come in. Add Pickles running back and forth to me to tell me to open the door. It gets to be a mini adventure at times.
We have 7 lots of woods that we own on the side of the house. There are 3 deer that come out almost every evening for the crab apples in our yard. This morning is the first time I actually saw a buck amongst them. Beautiful, beautiful creatures!
(Hugs) Indigo