Thursday, May 17, 2018


I know it isn't just from being from the the south. There's plenty of idiots in other parts of the country. It might be a function of being white, although I have run across members of minority groups that seem almost as ignorant Ben Carson springs to mind. It might be a function of being male but I've run across more than a members of the so called "fairer" sex that have displayed equal levels of "where the hell did you get your education!" It might be age, but I've run across more than a few youngsters with what appear to be equal levels of either ignorance or the inability to think an idea through before opening their pie holes. This man is senior on committees that direct public policy towards science.

But this one, originally posted by Jim Wright, really takes the cake. And the pie, the sweet rolls, cookies, etc. Rocks and dirt fall into the oceans so the oceans rise.

I had a couple of other pictures in mind but couldn't locate them, but this one fills the bill very, very well. The deepest place in the ocean is the Challenger deep in the Pacific. It is approximately 35,000 feet deep. that's deeper than Everest is tall, folks. You can just about count on one hand the number of people who have been down there. Why? Because it is a hell of a lot easier to design ships that can function in a vacuum than can function at pressures that would squash us like a bug long before we managed to get down there.

Isn't there ANYONE on the staff who can find a topo map of the ocean floor and point out the deep ridges and fissures where magma is constantly forcing its way to the surface. That is what powers continental drift BTW. Anyone east of the Oregon border ever hear of the Cascadia subduction zone. That's where the plate I'm sitting on rides under an oceanic plate and heads for the depths to be remelted.

Or does this sorry excuse for an elected official believe that the earth was created only a few thousand years ago and all the material that I've collected is a gigantic fiction perpetrated by a trickster god who spends eternity coming up with ways to trick us and it's either our imaginations or tricks of the devil.

Someone please send him The Story of Earth the first 4.5 billion years. I'm keeping mine.

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