Thursday, August 9, 2018


Oscar Romero was archbishop of San Salvador for three years. They thought they were getting a conservative. He was middle aged. His health wasn't that good. They thought they were getting a pussy cat. They got a tiger. For three years he defended his people. Until the last sermon.

"Brothers, you are from the same people; you kill your brother peasants...No soldier is obliged to obey an order that is contrary to the will of God. Now it is time for you to recover your consciences so that you first obey conscience rather than a sinful the name of God, then, in the name of this suffering people, whose cries rise to the heavens, every day more tumultuously, I ask you, I beg, I order you in the name of Good: stop the repression."

 From the last sermon of Archbishop Oscar Romero. Preached just before Easter in March 1980. He gave this sermon knowing that he was risking his life. He was correct. He was murdered a few days later. During mass. Nearly forty years later no one is quite sure who was responsible although there are plenty of suspects.

Looking at the list of possible evangelical ministers, is there even one that would make such a call to the ICE, the Border patrol, TSA, or our military today.

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