Sunday, March 31, 2019


just sort of distracted. Can't stand the politics anymore. It snowed from mid February to mid March and seemed like it would never let up.

But it was sunny and warm yesterday. There is a tree on the south side of the building in another lot. Branches still bare. There are a pair of magpies that cruise the neighborhood and yesterday one of them was taking a morning sunbath. I mean that bird was having the time of its little feathered life. Stretching and fluffing and preening. It was a "hello sun it sure is a great morning" kind of day.

Magpies are easy to recognize. Their tails are almost as long as their bodies. This is a black billed magpie. I wish I could find a shot with the wings spread. They are a beautiful bird.

1 comment:

Lisa :-] said...

I love magpies! You are so lucky you get to see them every day. I have to drive a long way to get to magpie country!