Friday, November 13, 2020


I haven't dropped off the face of the earth but this elecrtion would try the patience of a saint. And I am no saint. On the up side my kid sister's middle son just welcomed a son into this chancy world. And I am sure that mom is smiling. 

 So. Most of the news services, including Fox, have called the election for Joe Biden. Joe, just plain Joe who has a wife who hopes to keep teaching, two dogs and I don't know how many grand children. His eyes smile even when he isn't smiling. He can give a whole short speech and actually make sense. He appears to be ready to hit the ground running with little or no help from our soon to be ex president. My opinion is my own and my blood pressure won't take a full tirade. Use imaginations. Look up Shakespearean cursing. 

What has #45 been doing during the last ten days? Playing golf, nothing new in that, Over one hundred members of his security detail are quarantined. Members of his staff are testing positive. His rallies have been described as super spreader events. The virus is escalating. As of next Wednesday Oregon goes back to full lock down. 

What else has he been doing. Tweeting. Watching the new super conservative, conspiracy spreading "news" service, One America News Network, having his lawyers file lawsuits that get tossed almost before the judge sees them, and trying to find ways to hijack the electoral college. The briefly floated idea would have legislatures controlled by the Republicans throw out the votes and send a slate of electors loyal to Trump no matter what the votes cast say.

The idea seems to have died aborning, probably for several reasons. First you don't change rules after the game is played. You want to try to change the rules for the next election? Go for it. You're likely to find that members of your party at the state level are not in lockstep with the national party. And almost none of the so called swing states are in the south. 

This has probably been the most honest election in the history of the country. Almost no cases of real fraud. Some glitches in counting, but those were corrected almost immediately. One set of affadavits in a Michigan suit included the statement that he couldn't understand why "so many members of the armed forces didn't vote for #45. You make the veterans health care system worse than it already is, call our service men and women suckers and losers, and worst of all can't seem to understand that our governement is not allowed to unleash our armed forces on our own people. 

"You didn't vote for me so screw you" seems to the the message for the day. We're all shadowy extras in the movie titled "The Life of Trump." He was screaming "I've been robbed" almost before the polls closed. He's still screaming it and his base is eating it up. We're probably fortunate that this bunch is a bunch of basically, inept, incompetants. Can you imagine where we'd be if they had realized that another stimulus package and some effort to control the virus would probably gotten him reelected no matter how well organized those supporting Biden were. 

Steve Bannon was no help. Imagining in public that putting Dr. Fauci's head on a pike next to the White House might be a Good Thing. After all it worked for Henry VIII. Not really. When Christina of Denmark was approached with a marriage proposal, wife number four, she is reported to have ramarked that she would say yes. If she had two necks. And Sir Thomas More became a saint. 

More later. 

1 comment:

Lisa :-] said...

Congratulations on the new nephew!

As for the election, this clown show can't be over soon enough for me. Trump is already talking about running again in 2024. All I can say is, we need to make sure that doesn't happen. If he's not in a memory care unit or prison by that time, he needs to be...otherwise eliminated from the scene.