Tuesday, May 23, 2023


  Well, awake at four (that's am folks). Did my morning routine, got my pain meds, tossed in an Aleeve for  good measure. (dear undear tablet just because your word list  doesn't include what I just typed doesn't  mean it doesn't exist) looked outside and decided I might as well start the exercise routine. Watched color come in as the sky turned from indigo to pearly white. There was a quail calling in the courtyard and a jay calling the tree as the leaves turned from dark gray to green to gold as the rose higher. The finches and chickadees are telling the that they are awake too. 

This time of year the sun shines right into my eyes for over an hour. Yes, I could put down the blind. But I would miss the world waking up. Two twenty minute stepper sets and a total of about twenty minutes getting used to the elliptical routine. If we weren't on daylight savings time the sky would be getting light at 3:15 not 4:15.  On that note I believe I will squeeze. In a short snooze before breakfast.      


Lisa :-] said...

I've been waking up earlier and earlier, too. Seems my circadian rhythms are governed by what time it gets light outside... I actually don't mind getting up early. I enjoy the early morning hours just after sunrise.

JACKIE said...

It is so nice and quiet. I would like to know what the resident pair of jays are discussing about an hour after sunrise as they srkick back and forth for about an hour or so.