Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Well, I'm back in business sort of.. Had to replace my portable keyboard. Kind of hard to type very many words without i, o, or u. It was one of those keyboards with number lock for certain right hand keys. Number lock came on and I couldn't turn it off. Broke down and picked out a portable, full sized keyboard. Probably has more bells and whistles than I will need but is sure is cute. 

Been reading a lot. Rereading a lot. Heading back into Wendell Berry and Mary Renault country. 

A favorite author is Mary Renault and her series of novels tracing the stories from Theseus to Alexander the Great. The world of Gods and Goddesses. Festivals and ceremonies and to be honest sacrifices to honor the Gods and Goddesses for good harvests, for the safety of the cities for the safety of the people. Berry was writing from a Christian perspectives. It could just as easily be thanking Athena for the olive, Dionysus for the grapes, Demeter for the barley and wheat.

Whatever is foreseen in joy must be lived out from day to day. Vision held open in the dark by our ten thousand days of work. Harvest will fill the barn , for that the hand must ace\he, the face must sweat.

And yet no leaf or grain is filled by work of ours; This field is tilled and left to grace, that we may reap great work is done while we sleep.When we work well a Sabbath mood rests on our day and finds it good. 

Wendell Berry 1973 in This Day

I don't know if this picture fits the story. It's an image titled Spiral Sun by Alice Mason. It does give the feeling of earth to plants to sun and back again. And I really wish that Blogger's formatting would work at least twice in a row.

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