Thursday, September 21, 2023


 Had a semi mind blowing moment of clariity this afternoon.  Obviously I knew this. In the front of my brain so to speak. I was reading, looked up and it hit me. It was a short reading that ended with Jesus offering to take the reader "home." That was the blast. We are home. You, me, the maple tree in the courtyard, the courtyard, that barn on the other side of the block across the street, the birds  diving through that maple, are made of star stuff created when stars went super nova and hydrogen mostly born when the universe was created. 

Currently there are questions about whether it was a Big Bang or an event astronomers haven't been able to describe yet. It's less than a century since scientists began to find evidence they believed aswered those questions we've been asking for generations. Where did everything come from" 

I've often wondered how we would look if we could see those around us glowing as the atomic level. I looked out the window and it hit me. What if we could see everything around us down to the smallest earthworm or sparrow glowing, sparkling and realize that there really is no difference. That as much as I miss the valley where I grew up, lived most of my life; I'm just in another room, I'm home. 

Absolutely beautiful image lifted from Spritual Ecology on Facebook. They also have a website. Be careful you could become lost in the eye gazing out inviting you to dive in. 

We are made from starstuff. The atoms that built the earth were cooked in the gases of an exploding supernova.

Just think about it. Before you were you, you were a star. What built you also built the tree across the street, the trout in the stream, the mountains half a world away, the moon, the rest of the planets and just maybe a star that's half way across the galaxy from us.

When the Irish poet Amergin made his boast; when he said he'd been a salmon, a stag, a wild boar he spoke more truth than he realized.

If you want to know what the building blocks of a star look like just g look in the mirror.

It also means that the homeless guy down the street has the universe in him too. That the undocumented immigrant in the the desert has the universe in them too. It also means that your crazy conspiracy spouting uncle is made of the same star stuff. Or whaever friend or relative that's no longer on that list of cards to be sent. What a world it would be if we looked at everyone and everything around us with the same wonder we give a full moon or the most beautiful waterfall we've ever seen.

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