Friday, May 17, 2013


“…had come of age during the civil rights campaigns, the Viet Nam war, the draft resistance movement—all clearly defined issues in which right, as he saw it, eventually triumphed. His legal experience had reinforced his belief that even when the system is inadequate, the individual can eventually seek redress. Now he was troubled to find that this was not always so: that when government and industry are threatened, these two may close ranks, and, in self protection, militate against the good of the public they are supposed to serve. What happened in Michigan, he believed, involved subtle shifts in the power structure so that bureaucrats ended up protecting corporate giants, not for monetary gain (that might have been easy to prove) but to preserve their own authority and status. Pitted against this was a little band of farmers who had been abused by industry, and failed by their elected officials. Gary welcomed the chance to represent one of them in court. There he believed justice would prevail.

The Poisoning of Michigan by Joyce Egginton page 289

This is the book I’ve been working on. Managed to find a cheap, really cheap library discard. Stumbled across the story just by chance in a TV movie that was made back the eighties. I thought the movie was brutal. More about the book later. But take my last entry. If we could see at the blazing starlight level whether something was sick or well, there’d be no question. No way to hide. No polite fictions.

And justice did not prevail. In light of the current tight symbiosis between big ag, big chemical represented by the likes of Dow and Monsanto and the politicians that are supposed to represent us, I think I need to find my copy of the Monkey Wrench Gang. 

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