Friday, November 24, 2017


with my brother in law any time soon. I don't know him well enough to know  where he gets his news.  But, I was informed that the Vegas shooter  killed several security guards before opening fire. He didn't. The one guard who was wounded survived. He did alert the cops, helped evacuate the floor and gave them as much information as he could before being treated for the leg wound he received when the gunman fired through the door. Hitting him in the leg.

And that the shooter was targeting Christians or conservatives or Republicans or any or all of the above. Presumably because only Christians, conservatives, Republicans or supporters of the current occupant go to country music festivals. In Las Vegas. I mean it's not like we have our political or religious affiliations tattooed on our foreheads.

We can't ask the shooter. He's dead. Could it be that he was another nutcase with access to a lot of fire power and a handy crowd? That he didn't much care WHO he shot? I did find out that my nephew's sister in law was there. The person in front of her was shot down and she damn near got trampled in the stampede for cover. She did make it out on the first available flight.

I do know that the NRA pretends to speak for a membership that numbers in a small fraction of the population of this country. I do know that most of their funding comes from the corporations that make the guns not the people who own the guns. And while a majority of our supposed representatives would rather walk over hot coals than opposed the NRA it wouldn't help if we had legislatures composed of saints.

There are so many guns in this country that we would have to shred the constitution to get MOST of them off the streets. And think about it. African Americans aren't responsible for most of the mass shootings. Hispanic Americans? For the most part no. Asian Americans? Nope. And so on down the road. A few by followers of radical Islam. And almost no women from any ethnic group.

So. What do we do about the white males from almost any age group from early twenties to almost senior citizens? The tiny, tiny minority of white males?  Bless me if I know the answer. I wish I did.

1 comment:

Lisa :-] said...

We get the damn weapons of war off the streets. Have a rifle. Have two! But NO PRIATE CITIZEN needs an AR-15, or magazines that can shoot 30 or 60 rounds before the need to reload. The reason legislators fear the NRA is not the money they may or may not accept from it. It is that the NRA has developed a very effective way to attack and remove from office (through the vote) any legislator not on board with its agenda.