Thursday, December 14, 2017


Roy Moore wasn't the only one who lost on Tuesday. He's just one head on the hydra. 

Thomas Merton described this group to a tee in his collection of essays, Faith and Violence. And the collection came out in 1968! More and more I appreciate this man who "left the world" and became more and more a citizen of the world. And more and more a descendant of those old testament prophets. Google Thomas Merton heretic and discover that he really touched some nerves.

"The true believers in this state of insecurity and frustration, have only manifested more clearly and more pitifully the contradiction of their inner state. They have come out vociferously for the most bizarre, the most fanatical, the most aberrant causes in politics and culture. You can now find the most ardent Christians lined up in the most ridiculous, regressive, irrational parades. If they were concerned only with flying saucers and conversations with the departed it would not seem so bad: but they are also deeply involved in racism, quasi-fascist nationalism in every shade of fanatical hate cult and in every semi lunatic pressure group that is all the more self congratulatory in that it is supported by the affluent as well as by the clergy." Thomas Merton in Faith and Violence page 196.

Does this sound familiar? There's that pesky commandment about idols and this version of "god" look more and more to me not man created in the image of god; but god created in the image of man. And not "man" at our very best but the very worst.

There are stories about the early citizens of the middle east sacrificed their children to a god known as Moloch or some version of that name. I have to wonder which "god" Moore's supporters are worshiping. It certainly sounds as if they are willing to sacrifice their children for some kind of power whether it is religious or political.

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