Tuesday, January 2, 2018


You can find the "bible" for at least some of the deadlier white supremacists online. It's called the Turner Diaries. Google it. It's out there. I won't provide a link for this, abomination is too kind a word. Yes, I did wade through part of it. Enough to realize that the man who wrote this would have been applauding when the trains came into Treblinka, Chelmno, Sobibor, Auschiwitz. The whole alphabet of death and horror.

I didn't plan to start this entry with that first paragraph. Oh well.

Every year the UN puts forward a resolution to condemn the Nazis and everything related to them. Every year the US votes against it. The resolution is purely symbolic. The UN, in spite the bile put out the Becks and Joneses, has no authority to enforce it. The excuse put forward by this country for voting against the resolution is that it would interfere with freedom of speech in this country.

Yeah, talking about sticking Jews in ovens is just talk. We aren't actually planning to do anything like that. And I had lunch with the tooth fairy today and then we all went for a ride on our unicorns.

It is said that Justice Holmes wrote that freedom of speech did not include shouting fire in a crowded theater. Justice Robert Jackson wrote that the constitution was not a suicide pact. He'd just come off his stint as lead US prosecutor at the first Nuremberg trials. He was afraid that the virus from Nazi Germany might spread to the US. I don't know. He might have been right. I wonder what he'd say if he could see what is happening now.

And if you can find it. Look up a hefty volume titled The War Against the Weak. It chronicles the rise of the so called eugenics movement in the pre war US. There was more than one road to the WWII killing fields. At least one of them leads back to the good old U S of A.

And here is where it gets personal. I have five nephews. Three have started families of their own. Two married beautiful, bright young women who just happen to be mixed race. One is half Indonesian. The other is half Japanese. In the Turner Diaries world both would be murdered because of their ethnic background. Their husbands, my nephews, would die for the sin of race mixing. And for all I know the rest of us would be killed for allowing them to marry. So, forgive me if I refuse to speak up for the poster carrying, flag waving, arm band decorated heirs to a murderous ideology.

By the way Tim and Aria live in Hawai'i. So do her mother and sister. They'd be up for the chop too.  I wonder how those islands would fare in Turner's world.

And if the current occupant were to ask I'd probably spit in his face and shout that "No there aren't good arguments on both sides."

Well, well. Another entry that took the bit in its teeth and ran for it..

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