Monday, February 11, 2019


This will be a shot one. Discovered an online library called the Internet Archive. Free to join and you can borrow up to five books. Has an interesting mix of non fiction, fiction and textbooks.

Morgan Llewyln wrote fiction about Ireland. Past and present including a series of five novels under the umbrella heading of the Irish Century titled 1916, 1921, 1949,1972 and 1999. The library has the first four and I'm on the second one. Note when the great peace conference met to honor self determination and broke up the Hapsburg Empire self determination didn't extend to the Irish.

Woodrow Wilson of the Fourteen Points couldn't even be bothered to meet with an Irish delegation. The US house and senate voted a resolution supporting Irish independence. Independence without partition. Paris voted it down. Who knows? A little help from the rest of the world and maybe, just maybe decades of death and destruction could have been avoided. But England was always good at divide and rule.

And I do believe I'll stop before I go off on the history of blood left by colonial rule.

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