Tuesday, February 19, 2019


I'm reading The Godfather again. Up front I have little sympathy for crooks and gangstesr and the book is fiction. But, really big but here, Don Corleane wielded the power that he did because he took care of his people. He showed them respect. He paid his bills. As much as possible he treated those around him as though they were doing him a favor. He seldom shouted. He didn't throw things around.

And if you crossed him. Well those in the business knew the penalty for treason. He staked out a corner of the world and protected those within that world.

What really bugs me about the current regime is not just that they are crooks, but that they are stupid crooks.

Found this shot on the web with the title "Trump to have contractors build the wall and just not pay for it." Which would be about par for the course. He's done it before. He's been sued for it before. But that is not where true power lies. Be glad he isn't any smarter than he is. And that his kids are following in daddy's footsteps. And remember. While we are watching the sideshow the real puppet masters are still in the shadows.

And the Russian puppet Bernie Sanders has thrown HIS hat in the ring. God help us. Thanks to him we have Trump. Say Bernie? Can we see YOUR bank records?

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