Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Contemplating the military extravaganza planned for D.C.  tomorrow. All to stroke the bottomless ego pic someone many are calling president bone spurs. More on that in another entry.

Ran across an old entry I titled Beacon at the Edge of the Universe.

 "Sometimes I think that the surest sign that intelligent love exists somewhere is the fact that none of it has tried to contact us." Calvin and Hobbs.

I ran across this quote on the net. Given my sideways sense of humor and love of shows like Babylon 5 or Stargate I think it is just as likely that someone from somewhere did drop by for a fast recon. They took some readings. Took a really good look at  the results , and got the hell out of Dodge.

They paused just long enough tho plant a series of warning beacons around the borders of our solar system broadcasting some version of the following message. "Warning, warning, warning enter at your own risk. Avoid the third planet from the local star. The dominant life form is semi intelligent and very well armed. They tend to shoot first and ask questions later. Sometimes they don't bother to ask questions. Enclosed see footage of what happened to the unmanned exploratio drone.

If you do insist on dropping by for a visit do not bother sending a mayday if you run into trouble. No rescue missions will be attempted. Please use the record function to leave the following information. Name of ship, roster of crew and passengers, planet of origin, flight plan and contact information of next of kin, pouch brothers/sisters, clan affiliation so we can notify them if you don't come back.

If you choose to ignore these warnings don't forget to duck and make sure your engines are on at all times.

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