Saturday, July 20, 2019


This week marked the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the moon. Al Jazeera English had an entry on FB. Which brought out the usual it's all a hoax crap. However many of them had Arabic sounding names. Some with enough flaws in English to suggest this was an actual real person.Also try this Wickipedia entry.

But you go on the page and there isn't much there. Somebody spending all their entries changing their profile pictures. Real person or a bot? Heaven knows there is a lively conspiracy industry claiming the lunar landings never happened. Along with flat earth, crisis actors at shootings, 9/11, and so on into inanity.

Read some of the goofy comments. And there it's no changing closed minds. But I watched those landings take place. There were monitoring stations all over the earth including Jodrell Bank observatory in England.

And there is reentry. The capsules landed within sight of an air craft carrier and their support ships. A C130 prop driven plane can get to 30,000 feet. Unloaded. I believe someone would have noticed the command module being dumped out the rear of b the plane. Total shrug here. Somebody who was part of the hoax filmed on a soundstage would have written a book by now and made a mint.


If we could harness all that energy. BTW. Even the Vatican has an official astronomer. Although he has to work at an observatory in Arizona these days. Less pollution and a lot less light.

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