Monday, July 15, 2019


In his latest Tweet Storm the current occupant has suggested that the four women of color in the house should go back where they came from and stop criticizing him and our f***ed I'll up immigration policies. Three of the ladies in question were born in the US and the fourth is a naturalized citizen.

Now like everyone with more than three brain cells to rub together I was more then a little pissed off. Today I got to thinking. We are being played like a cheap violin.

His used to be good buddy and fellow target in at least one lawsuit, Epstein, has been arrested and the decor in his mansion is disturbing. To say the least. Also his catalog of under age women. It seems more than a few of his long term associates are ducking for cover.

Mueller is due to testify under oath before the house. What better way knock those stories off the front page and off the popular searches then a good old fashioned racist, woman hating, Muslim bashing, patented Trump Twitter melt down. Only  one question? Did he come up with this on his own or was it the result of some carefully planted suggestions?

Whatever. It worked like a charm. The base is eating it up. Their messiah is sticking it to those uppity females again. The media is responding like sharks in a feeding frenzy. Crazy? Like a rabid hyena. A pack of them.

1 comment:

Lisa :-] said...

If you look at Trump's tweets, it's pretty easy to tell the ones he created and tweeted out on his own and the ones created by his Twitter Propaganda Team. Trump's are misspelled, ungrammatical, and rambling. TPG's are spelled correctly, use complete sentences, stick to one topic, and generally have a beginning, a middle and an end. I don't know which is scarier...the shit that Trump creates himself, or that he lets his name and position as POTUS be stamped on shit that someone ELSE creates...