Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Got some ideas bouncing around not sure where I'm going to end up when they bounce out.

The Quakers are just going to have to wait since I came acros more information that makes some of my information not as complete as I would like. Anyway something else.

I have tap danced on the line between some form of Christianity and some version of the old religion for years. Forget whee I ran across this the other day. That the druids were forbidden to put their teachings in writing. Not so sure about that.

There were druids in Ireland long after the Romans destroyed them in Gaul and Britain. Rereading Mary Renault's novels on ancient Greece I was reminded that almost everything was oral two thousand years ago. One of the threads in The Praise Singer was trying to bring all of Homer into written form. And sifting what they did have between what was probably Homer and what wasn't.

Some druids specialized in the law, the Brehons. The law was in their minds, they repeated it, taught it. Just because the law wasn't written down didn't mean that the people didn't know the law. And knowing the law didn't mean or doesn't mean that the law is obeyed or respected. When did Hammurabi hand down his law code or Moses dome down with those commanments? And we are still lying, cheating and killing thousands of years later. What good is writing the law on paper if the people the law was meant to protect don't obey it?

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