Monday, November 8, 2021


 Cape Disappointment state park in Washington. Where Lewis and Clark reached the mouth of the Columbia. Probably a good thing the ocean wasn't doing this. This weekend brought the first storms and what are known as King Tides. This is a popular description of tides that occur  in winter when the moon is closest to the earth and the earth is closest to the sun. 

The tides can run from two to three feet above the mean high tides. Then throw in storm waves on top of that. Cape Disappointment is twenty feet above sea level. I'm not sure how far away the photographer was from the waves and what kind of settings were used on the camera. That wave looks pretty darned impressive to me. Check out what's waiting to come in when this wave is finished. In this part of the world the mantra "never turn your back on the ocean is so true. Especially if you are standing on a jetty or rocks just above the ocean. 

The Pacific is seldom "peaceful" and she deserves the greatest respect. Who knows. With our craggy basalt cliffs and stormy seas perhap Poseidon pays a visit now and then. 

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