Thursday, November 4, 2021



I'm having a hard time finding a decent shot of Smaug, the dragon, from the Hobbit by  JRR Tolkien. 

Greedy, Gathering gold and jewels into a great pile that makes a great bed. And he is so familiar with his hoard that he will miss the smallest coin or jewel and go into a terrible rage. Fire breathing dragon at that. 

Where is this going? Well our billionaires sort of started to remind me of Smaug. The collecting of the treasure seems to be the goal. It seems that they sit on a lot of it or spend it on whatever suits them. Mansions with almost as many rooms and bathrooms as a small hotel. Looking at colonizing Mars to help human consciousness survive. While the conxciouness down on space ship earth is in danger, The fires that burn us won't come from dragons but fom human greed and ignorance. 


Lisa :-] said...

Amen. But I think the modern Smaugs don't even care enough about all the stuff they have to know every bit of it. They only know they don't have it ALL, and that rankles the hell out of them.

JACKIE said...

Amen sister, amen.