Sunday, January 23, 2022



Well it finally had to happen I guess. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth just got side tracked. Sort of. 

First off I am doing fine. Tested positive and appear to have a mild case. I am not tempting the universe but I have had colds with worse symptoms. Semi stuffy head (comes and goes). Bronchial cough that seems to be breaking up. Trouble is when I get a cough it tends to hang on until spring. LATE spring sometimes.That's just me. The real PITA is a bad case of the sleepies. And I purely hate that. It interferes with the fun stuff like rereading the dragon riders novels, tip toeing through several bios, and researching much more interesting (for me at least) blog entries. 

And I'm not alone. Nine others besides me and that's just residents. I don't know how many staff are out.I know of at least two. Thank you all the "Freedumb" folks who have helped keep this little bastard going,and going, and going. A Swing era song titled "The Merry Go Round Goes Round" keeps going on the memory tape right know. 

Well, this helped wake me up. I had an old bookmark. A pair eyes looking up from under a manhole cover. "Be a lert. We need all the lerts we can get." I sure as heck could use a couple right now. Silly, I know. Found it in the campus bookstore many moons ago.

1 comment:

Lisa :-] said...

I posted a comment yesterday, and it seems to have disappeared. Maybe someone MADE it disappear because of the strong language I used in reference to idiot anti-vaxxers. Anyway, I send you healing vibes. Stay strong, my friend. I'm with you.