Saturday, May 14, 2022


 While I'm trying to sort out what passes for my brains these days a sleepy bumble bee in a rhododendron blossom courtesy of Elizabeth McCallum over in Flora and Fauna of Oregon page on FB.  This is one of the reasons I stay. The rhodie blossoms are pretty cool too. 


JACKIE said...

If Lisa stops by I tried to comment but couldn't sign in. I remember those commercials. Miss the days when we wanted to do something and realized we probably shouldn't.

Lisa :-] said...

Blogger has been wonky lately. I can't leave comments if I visit blogs from my ipad. I have to go to my laptop if I want to comment. Blogger is owned by Google which is heavily associated with Microsoft. I think Google actively buggers up connections with Apple products, just because it can. That's life in a capitalist society, I guess...