Friday, August 19, 2022


Back in the mid seventies I bought a rhododendron for my folks anniversary. We planted it on the south east cornor of the house. It was the last to bloom and the last to bloom out. Usually about mid June.

By the mid nineties I started to notice that I was dead heading the shrub by the end of May. A full two weeks earlier. That bush became my "climate change" barometer. 

By the early teens the hot weather was arriving in early July instead of mid July. The temps were a little higher and it was lasting longer. To make it more interesting we were getting some colder spells in the winter. That last winter were were in Springfield it got to sixteen below and for the lower Willametter Valley that is COLD. 

I also learned another valuable lesson with that shrub. It's called Blue Jay. And I was told that is would live up to it's name. It's actually lavender blue. If you want it "bluer" dig in some iron sulphate around the roots. Give 'em an iou and go shopping when the plant is actually in bloom. Saves time. 

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