Tuesday, June 2, 2020


From the novel Cry Freedom based on the film screenplay, in turn based on 'Biko' and 'Looking For Trouble ' by Donald Woods. Biko and Woods were visiting a rural clinic with a black staff. Woods asked if a white doctor wouldn't work as well. Honestly look up Steve Biko and Donald Woods on the net. Biko was a black activist in South Africa. Donald Woods was sixth generation English South African and journalist who realized he could no longer live in his country. A racially divided country the US supported four decades under the "we may be assholes but we least we aren't communists" doctrine.
"Biko's voice took on a solemnity Woods hadn't yet heard. 'When I was a student, trying to qualify for the jobs you people left us have,' he began, 'I suddenly realized that it wasn't just the n jobs that were white; the history we read was made by white men, storm by white men ... Medicines, cars' he hit the roof of the Mercedes - 'television, airplanes, all invented by white men, even football (soccer).' He paused for a moment, reflecting on it. And Woods was as struck by his somber reaction as by the thought itself. 'In a world like that,' Biko went on, 'it's hard not to believe that there's something inferior about being born black."
Also if you are Latino, Asian, or female.

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