Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 I've been at sixes and sevens over the totally unhinged response from the soon to be former president of this country. I don't know if his responses are true or if he's having us on, or playing to his base in one last bought of hopeful fund raising. Anyway he did a phone in interview Sunday. And out of the forty claims he made? None of them are true. The journalist at the other end of line made little or now effort to refute the claims. I don't know if it was fear of crossing him or a case of "what the hell he won't listen anyway." 

A member of the president's legal team, Joe DiGenova, said in an interview with Newsmax that the former head of election security, Chris Krebs, should be taken out and shot. Or drawn and quartered. He apparently doesn't care which. Krebs is threatening legal action and I can't say that I blame him given the unhinged threats from the Cult of #45. But honestly at any other time how many of us have someone say "I'm gonna bust his ass." "I'd love to shoot that SOB." Drawing and Quartering is an English thing you don't hear about that on this side of the pond very often. 

In saner times we'd check the sobriaty of the person making the threat and figuare they'd cool off befor any real damage was done. But these aren't sane times With radical militia members threatening to kidnap a sitting governor, try her for treason on live TV and then execute her no threat can be ignored. 

Back to that interview. So far the current occupant has blamed damn near everyone in sight from former president Obama to his own DOJ for his loss. He doesn't seem to understand how the whole system of government in the United States works. 

The secretary of state of Georgia may be a Republican. He may have voted for you. That does not mean he's going to ignore the laws of the state of Georgia and throw out legal vote to give you a second term. The conservative judge you appointed is not going to rule that an election is fraudulant when there is no proof. And in what may be one of the unkindest cuts of all Arizona governor Doug Ducey boasted last summer that he had a special ringtone for calls from the president or vice president.

 He set his phone to play Hail to the Chief.  Ducey received a call on his cell phone while publically signing the paperwork to certify the results of the election in Arizona. The phone was heard playing the special ring tone, Ducey took to phone out of his pocket, looked at it, appeared to mute it, set it on his desk and continued to sign the paperwork. That's cold folks, that's really cold. 

The soon to be expresident has some interesting advice to Republican voters for the run off elections for senators from Georgia. Don't vote. Or write in his name. Looks like we have the political version of a family annihilator. Republican judges and state officials continure to support the rule of law, refusing to throw out votes or send the question to the legislature to have electoral votes assigned to him in spite of the actual vote. So the hell with the party. Take it down with me. I don't know why anyone expected him to act any differently. He spent the last year saying what he would do and he's trying to do it. Except no one else with the power to do what he wants is willing to play his game. He's about to find out just how cold it can get out here in the real wold. 

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