Saturday, December 19, 2020


Writer's block continues. And the family tree. Almost all roads seem to lead to Charlamagne. Thank heaven not all his wives and mistresses had children. And not all of those children had childred. Anywway when all else fails look to the sky. 

Picture from the North Carolina Weather Authority on the night of the 16th. Telescope shot obviously. I'm not sure if the little dot at the top of the picture is a moon of  Jupiter or a star. Or how the power of this telescope stacks against the one Galileo used. The planets look so close together there is really more than 450 million miles between them. And I'm not sure how long the exposure was to get this shot 

Astronomy has always fascinated me. Even had a telescope once upon a time. Too much city lights and living next to hills didn't provide very good "seeing." David Scharpf took this shot. 

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