Sunday, December 6, 2020


 I've learned to like NCIS New Orleans. For starters, the music during the first seasons. The fact the Scott Bakula can play jazz piano and carry a tune doens't hurt. The crowded street life Mardi Gras. Caught the first three episodes of this season on the CBS streaming. The first two parter hits you right in the gut. Now I do enjoy the one star ratings on Amazon and found this one. 

I have purchased every Season of NCIS New Orleans. And, up until now, I ave enjoyed the show... At least up until now. If the first two episodes are any indication of the rest of the Season, I'm finished watching. I am a Healthcare Professional working in this every day now for months. Tragically, people do die horrible deaths (less than 1%), and 99% survive. I come home to watch TV to be entertained, not for a show to use COVID 19 and make it their storyline. If I want to experience that, I'll simply go to work. Not have the garbage forced down my throat at home, too. Lose the masks and this storyline (which is highly sub par) or you've lost a faithful fan. And it appears, from what I read, many others, too. Unless something changes, save your money. I wish I had.

I thought this one over and decided not the leave a comment on the comment. You have to pay attention but the story basically starts off about a month into the pandemic. New York is locked down and the Big Easy is headed that way. Deserted streets that once were crowded. Trying to keep up with the need for protective gear. Body bags croweding the county mourgue. Checking the hand written inscription on a body bag to find a friend inside. The despairing "there's no more room." The refrigerated trucks running out of room. One of the other agent's ex was visiting Italy, managed to get as far as his family in England. And they weren't going anywhere soon. 

Last March we didn't know what the real death toll would be. It's not as bad as expected because we've learned a lot. Too bad too many of our fellow citizens won't wear a mask when they go outside and ignore what needs to be done. And last I checked the death toll was still over one percent and more than a few survivors end up wishing they'd died. Nothing like a double lung transplant to focus your life. 

And how about dumping the "health care professional" and telling us what you actually do. Nurse, orderly, custodian, medical examiner? And in case the commenter hadn't noticed the plot lines on this show tend to be fairly timely. 

OK. Little rant over. It was the empty streets that got to me. I mean Could have been Omega Man or one of those end of the world movies from the seventies Oregon isn't as bad as many other states but it's bad enough. 

The virus is out there. No thanks to the repsonse of the elected hired help it isn't going away any time soon. I don't know what to suggest to this person without sounding like a total snark. What Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel or something. Might put you into a sugar coma but, what the hey. 

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