Tuesday, December 8, 2020


This year's presidential is slowly twisting and turning to a conclusion. Today is the final day for the states to certify the elections results for the electors. In spite of repeated court appearances and recounts the vote still stands and Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States. Yeah, he has the full three names but everybody seems to call him Joe. In contrast to the current occupant who always signs everything Donald J. Trump. 

That has been mystifying me for awhile. Are there other Donald Trumps out there with a different middle name so "our" Donald has to be sure that nobody gets him mixed up with some other "Donald?" Weird. It's not like we are going to forget who he is. As much as some of us would like to regard him as nightmare that we can't wake up from. 

Anyway. It looks like the current occupant is discovering that conservative may mean exactly that. It appears that judges with a rep for being conservative appear to be reluctant to interfere with existing election laws, expecially when there is no evidence to back up the requests to do so. Even Giuliani had to admit that there was no evidence of fraud to back up his claims of fraud. At least one of his witnesses was so unhinged that even he was trying to shut her up. I am not sure what that witness was on but, she appeared to be higher than a kite. And has a record for computer crime. She just came off probation.

And it turns out that Jenna Ellis, a senior legal advisor to the soon to be ex president, has inflated her resume. For me this is more evidence getting doctorate in the law does not guarantee you are much of a lawyer. I used to believe that law school must be really hard to get through. Seems she never really got above traffic court as a prosecutor.

Some of the corrent occupant's supporters have floated the idea of having the military step in and do a rerun of the election undeer martial law. We'll probably never know what was said behind the scenes. More than one officer may have remembered their oaths and pointed out that in this country the military does not just "step in." And that there has to be a damn good reason to declare martial law and losing an election with no evidence of fraud is not a damn good reason no matter what advice a couple of retired generals are giving you.

Even if, if, the tRump campaign managed to get even one legislature to step in, where's the guaranty that a majority would even vote to overturn the slate of electors chosen by popular vote? It's a big jump to change the law governing the state's election AFTER the election.

The idea does bring up a disturbing picture. A few states where the legislature chooses the electors without the people casting a vote. While other states hold what most of us regard as normal elections. Now that would open a pretty kettle of rotten fish.

This will end up being a two parter. My vote and how important it is was drummed into me for as long as I can remember.

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