Friday, January 8, 2021


 It's too little and way too late. Republicans who have been loyal to the Current Occupant, often from fear of what will happen if they aren't. That his rabid base would be unleashed against them. Finally realizing that he measures loyalty, not by a history of loyalty, but by your loyalty today. Vice President Pence admitted to him that there was no path through his office to over turn the certification of the electoral vote. He turned on Pence. A man who has been totally loyal to him over the last four years. 

Cartoon from the New York News. I'm sorry I can'r make out the name of the cartoonist. A nod to Jimmy Cagney in White Heat. 

Pence wasn't "loyal" that day. He's a traitor. So for everyone who swallowed their pride, their oaths, their common sense out of fear of what would happen if they were seen as "disloyal?" It's pretty much worthless. 

I got into the coverage of that rally on CNN just before the Capitoal building was breached. What I saw was the final evidence of far right, white privilege. No other group, after speeched inciting them to violence, would have been allowed on the plaza in front of the Capitol, much less on the steps. "What the heck is going on." 

Now, it is my understanding that the president has to call in the national guard. And the story is that it took a great big crow bar to get the president, and some stories have the VP making the call, to make that call. 

Were capitol police cooperating with the mob? I don't know. Maybe many of them were like me. Hoping against hope that it really wouldn't get that bad. While in the back of my mind going over the history of the last twenty years of right wingers being handled with kid gloves including that occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge a few years ago. 

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