Thursday, January 7, 2021


Not sure how I ended up with the HTML view but we seem to be back to normal. 

Image from inside the Capitol building yesterday.

"You have your beliefs and I have mine." This from a series of answers on an entry in FB. Oh and it started with "I'm not going to argue with you." This individual is a firm believer that there has been unprecedented voter fraud in spite of the fact there is no evidence. 

I wasn't trying to start an argument. I was pointing out that if there was evidence it should be presented to a court of law. The response was that "they were afraid of being charged with perjury. The response that brought about the "I'm not going to argue" was that if they were telling the truth there was no danger of being charged with perjury. .

At that point I basically threw up my figurative arms and said the hell with it. There is no way I am going to convince a die hard tRump supporter that the election has not been stolen. That Joe Biden is not a child rapist, I don't know where the hell that comes from. That a certain individual can't open his mouth without lying. The stories that he tells change from day to day, even hour to hour..

He expects loyalty and the loyalty doesn't depend on the loyalty shown in the past, it depends on the loyalty you show me today, it won't be remembered tomorrow. Anyway gritted my teeth and stayed up to watch the certification process work through. And some of those congress members were getting tongue tied by the time it was over.

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