Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Should go right up with No Shoes, No Shirt. I mean I haven't heard anyone complaining about their right to demand service in their bare feet and without a shirt. And a lot of the world isn't laughing so much as shaking their heads "how in the hell did this happen?

What is happening is a prime example of one definition freedom in this country. It runs like this. "My freedom is the most important. You have to respect MY freedom no matter what. I will respect your freedom when or if I feel like it. I have the right to get in your face. call you names, refuse to get that vaccine and encourage my friends, my family and people I don't even know to not get the vaccine. Until I get sick, end up in the hospital relying on the science I mocked. Then I will probably admit I was wrong and encourage you to get vaccinated." 

Too bad the the conspiracy science was on the front page. Your retraction will probaby end up on page eight. Unless you die. Then it just might make the front page.Too darn little and too darn late in my humble opinon. 

Right now states like Idaho with a forty percent vaccination rate are facing overflowing hospitals and how are we going to ration care. Look up the word triage. It should scare your socks off. If you are wearing any. 

1 comment:

Lisa :-] said...

Unfortunately, we're facing the same shit here in Oregon. If it's not the anti-mask, anti-vaxxers out there spreading Delta around, it's the folks that DID get vaxxed but have stopped following the science because it isn't going where they want it to go: as in, they're finding the vaccine is losing its potency after 6 months, especially against Delta (see: Israel over the past few months); you are NOT bulletproof, you can still catch and spread Delta, and you CAN get very sick or die of it even if you are vaxxed. Chances are lower than if you weren't vaxxed, but the risk is there. Vaccinated folks are running around eating at restaurants, going to football games, having big parties because they think they're "safe." Then they come down with COVID, and they're all surprised. Duh.