Thursday, December 16, 2021


 Yeah, I've been out for a few days. Let's just say that my chronic cellulitis found a new way to rear up and kick in the ass. It's healing. I'm OK. I'm grateful to the good folks who looked after me. To be honest my brain is just about at the "see Spot run." state tonight so here is a bouquet of cas.

There's something about those gray ones with the copper eyes. The Burmese is grooming.The tortie looks as if she's plotting mischief and the little black one seems to have spotted someone or something. A couple of them look a little spacey. I wonder if there is some catnip in that bouquet. 

1 comment:

Lisa :-] said...

I do get concerned when you disappear.

Mom had cellulitis forever...from the time I was a little kid. It wasn't a pleasant thing to grapple with in old age.

Hope you are on the mend, my friend.