Monday, December 6, 2021



Good looking couple yes? Mom and da;s wedding picture. Probably the last time anyone caught my dad wearing a tie. And she was in a nice dress. Married in my grandparent's living room. 

This will be short and sweet. My mother, much loved by almost every one, passed last year. 

She was ninety four. She'd had a good long run. Dandled three great grand daughters on her knee.There's a fine old word. Dandled. I'm realizing that for some of us it isn't a matter of dying, it's laying down one life and stepping into another. 

I never got to see my parents dancing. From the stories told he was one smooth one with a waltz. That's how they met, at the weekly Saturday night dances in Eugene. He asked her four weeks running. she said yes on the fifthe one. I don't think either one ever looked back. Well mom I hope you are dancing with dad. I hope it's a waltz. 

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