Tuesday, September 1, 2020


The ususal protestors counter protestors with the "All Lives Matter" sign. Well prove that is what you really believe

All lives matter only works if all lives truly matter. The old ones, the sick ones, the foster kids, the kids on the border, the ones working three jobs to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, the poor ones, the homeless ones, the hungry ones. 

And that is only the beginning. All those lives in the countries we have nearly destroyed in our fights against all the isms that scare us matter too. The children and the oldersters who fell by the way side trying to get to the refugee camps. The massacres carried out by troops trained at the school at Fort Benning know in the rest of the world as  The School of Assassins. The death raining down labeled "Made in America."                 

Since this country has made it pretty damned obvious that all lives is just a slogan please don't say it if you don't mean it. Because I am F***ing tired of hearing it.

And a good anylysis of our "war against the poor." it's actually a short book bbut it's a good read. 

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